Guantanamo’s child: the untold story of omar khadr


A sweeping narrative set against the backdrop of the September 11, 2001 attacks and the U.S.-led war on terror that followed, Guantanamo’s Child chronicles the life of Canadian Omar Khadr. Just 15 when he was shot and captured in Afghanistan, Khadr became a prized Pentagon captive. Khadr spent more than a third of his life in U.S. custody in the notorious Guantanamo Bay, where he has undergone hundreds of hours of interrogation and endured “coercive techniques” by his captors.

Khadr pleaded guilty to five war crimes in October 2011, including murder for the death of U.S. Delta Force soldier Christopher Speer. His case makes history as the first modern day war crimes trial of a juvenile.

Award winning journalist Michelle Shephard probes the Khadr case from every angle, with exclusive interviews with the soldiers and Speer’s widow Tabitha. The book reveals unknown details about Khadr’s life being shuttled back and forth between Canada, Pakistan and Afghanistan and his father’s alliance with al Qaeda’s elite. Shephard also probes how the political backroom negotiations between Washington and Ottawa have left Canada now as the only Western nation to support Guantanamo and its trials. The Ottawa Citizen wrote that “The strength of Guantanamo’s Child rests in its hard-won detail, which infuses the narrative with authority, complexity, sometimes humanity, without the author passing judgment on events.”

Voted by Embassy Magazine as one of the most 20 most influential books of 2008, Guantanamo’s Child is not just an important book, but also a gripping legal thriller that’s difficult to put down.


Code Name: Pale Horse


A Decade of Fear: Reporting from Terrorism's Grey Zone